Does Shoe Polish Go Bad Or Expire?

Yes, shoe polish has a shelf life. Most shoe polishes endure for several years, however, if left unused in the original container for an extended period, the contents will generally dry out. Because the hardened pieces inhibit correct application, the polish may become less effective or ineffective. That’s the moment shoe polish go bad and … Read more

Do Shoe Stretchers Really Work?

Do Shoe Stretchers Really Work

The simple answer I found is that shoe stretchers really do work, but different fabrics will yield different results and you will need specific stretchers for the job. Natural fabrics will have a lot more give than synthetics and the key is to use plenty of product-specific shoe stretching spray. You will also need a … Read more

How Often Should You Polish Your Shoes?

You bought some high-quality shoes and you want to keep them in pristine condition, and rightfully so, considering how expensive they are nowadays. But while there are a lot of tutorials on how to polish and condition your shoes, there is not enough useful information on how often you should do it and when. How … Read more

How to Shrink Shoes

How to Shrink Shoes

Imagine this scenario. You’ve finally purchased the pair of shoes you’ve been dying to own for months on end. You’ve forked out your hard earned savings just for this occasion and can’t contain your excitement. You wait and wait until finally the package finally arrives after a week. You rip open its wrapping, and the … Read more

How to Tell if Shoes are Slip Resistant

How to Tell if Shoes are Slip Resistant

The most fantastic hack I can tell you is when you wear the shoes and do not slip while walking; it means the boots are slip-resistant. Jokes aside, slipping is a grave concern. I remember I was at a wedding. I walked through the doorway, making my grand entrance. My foot slid on the ground, … Read more

Can You Wear Leather Boots in the Rain?

Can You Wear Leather Boots in the Rain

Rainy days are the best time to curl up in a blanket and grab a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Unfortunately, some people have to work for a living, and rain does not ask for permission before pouring all over our new leather shoes. Sounds like a nightmare, right? You show up at work, … Read more

Do Metatarsal Pads Help Morton’s Neuroma?

Do Metatarsal Pads Help Morton's Neuroma

Sometimes I think I should have been a foot doctor – the technical term for this is podiatrist. But then I remember that I failed 12th grade biology because I could not remember all the jargon. In hindsight, it was fortunate I did not become one. But still, I have done immense research on everything … Read more

Best Shoe Protector Spray for White Shoes

Best Shoe Protector Spray for White Shoes

Does anyone genuinely enjoy holidays? The middle of winter, the snow and slit, the permanent rush for presents and activities! If you love wearing white shoes as much as I do, you will know just how impossibly dirty they get during the holidays. Good protector sprays are essential and I have been going through them … Read more

Best Shoe Protector Spray

Best Suede Shoe Cleaner

If there is one thing you must know about me, I am the messiest person in the world. It amazes me that there are some people out there who move about and still manage to keep themselves clean. Those people are not human. Beings like me always end up in a mess, and the brunt … Read more