Here is a little known fact. Out of all your body parts, your feet release some of the most amount of sweat throughout the day in order to keep your body cool and your skin moist. This is due to the fact that there are more sweat glands on your feet than anywhere else in your body.
This can sometimes be a cause of concern as bacteria can cause your feet to stink. Many experts suggest the color of your socks may also contribute to this issue, which begs the question, do black socks actually make your feet stink?
Do black socks make your feet stink?
While the color of your socks does contribute to the build-up of smelly feet, wearing black socks doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll automatically stink up your feet. Instead, stinky feet can be due to the materials like synthetic socks instead of using ones made from thick cotton. It may also be due to wearing socks that aren’t absorbent, or that your socks simply do not have antibacterial qualities that inhibit bacterial growth.
How does wearing black socks contribute to smelly feet?
Wearing black socks hastens the build-up of bacteria because the color black absorbs more heat when compared to any other color. This is why wearing black socks throughout the day will make your feet sweat more, which in turn creates more bacteria that will proliferate due to the warmth of your feet.
If you love wearing dark socks, then it’s recommended to wear socks that are made of cotton as it helps draw moisture away from the skin to prevent stinky or smelly feet. It’s also a good idea to change your socks on a daily basis and not re-use socks that are worn the previous day to prevent any moisture build-up.
What are the other factors that contribute to stinky feet?
There are many sock varieties available on the market right now and one of the popular types is those made from synthetic materials. While they look really fashionable, synthetic socks make your feet warm even when you’re in a cool and comfortable room temperature environment. Most synthetic socks are not as breathable as cotton socks as synthetic materials don’t allow air to circulate around your feet.
As they aren’t as absorbent as cotton socks, odor-causing bacteria will flourish in these damp areas and once the sweat seeps into your shoes, the effect will most likely double leading to a stink-fest. Wearing cotton socks provides airflow to pull moisture away from your skin. This way, moisture will evaporate without creating a stink in the first place.
If you’re wearing cotton socks but still experience smelly feet after a long day, then consider the weight or thickness of the socks you’re wearing as this can also be a contributing factor. Wearing lightweight socks works best for mild weather conditions while heavier socks are more attuned for the cold. Wearing the wrong pair depending on the weather can lead to your feet overheating, creating the perfect conditions for the bacteria on your feet to thrive.
In addition, you can also try looking for socks made from bamboo viscose as it naturally inhibits germ growth. According to the study done by the American Society for Microbiology, viscose materials like bamboo fiber actually outperforms materials made from synthetic materials, polyester, and even cotton when it comes to inhibiting bacterial growth.
This is because viscose is breathable, moisture-absorbent, and blister-resistant. It also provides a comfortable feel on your skin so if budget is not an issue, then consider getting socks made from bamboo viscose to eliminate your worries about smelly feet.
Does wearing white socks reduce the smell of stinky feet?
A lot of people love wearing black socks simply because they’re easier to wash when compared to white socks. While wearing white socks is great for the gym or casual settings, they aren’t as suitable in a workplace environment as they don’t look as formal as darker-colored socks.
However, it doesn’t really matter what color your socks are if you wear pairs that are damp and dirty. Your feet will still smell no matter the color so washing them regularly is essential. It’s also a good idea to make sure your feet are dry before wearing a new pair to reduce the probability of stinky feet from fouling up the room.
I wore a clean pair of socks throughout the day but my feet still stink, what could be the problem?
If you’ve taken all the necessary precautions to ensure your feet stay cool and dry throughout the day but you’re still suffering from a bout of stinky feet, then you should check out for other underlying conditions and maybe even seek professional help.
You may be suffering from bromodosis, which is a medical term for excessively smelly feet. On another note, severe sweating regardless of weather can also be a sign of hyperhidrosis, which can definitely cause sweaty feet along with the rest of your body.
It’s also suggested that foot odor is linked to diabetes. Although smelly feet don’t indicate diabetes, it’s still ideal for people who suffer from the disease to take special care of their feet as diabetes causes damage to your feet without you knowing it.
What do I do about smelly feet?
Eliminating foot odor always starts with good hygiene. Washing your feet with soap and water once a day and drying them thoroughly usually solves smelly feet problems. It’s also a good idea to keep your toenails short and clean to prevent the build-up of germs and bacteria. Going barefoot at home without wearing socks also reduces foot odor since sweat isn’t held against your skin.
Wearing black socks doesn’t necessarily mean your feet will stink. This can still be due to a lot of factors such as the materials your socks are made of, the cleanliness of your pair, the weather, your hygiene, and your health. It’s still highly recommended to wear a clean pair of socks, especially if you wear some form of footwear on a daily basis.